April 2022 Prayer Gram

April 27, 2022
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Birmingham Prayer Gathering on First Tuesday Mornings, May 3rd

For those in the Birmingham area on Tuesday, May 3rd, please join us at 7:00—7:30 A.M. to pray for our sisters and brothers working in the field in some of the most dangerous places in the world and for new and future believers and church plants everywhere. We will meet at our office at Myrick Gurosky & Associates in the Vestavia Hills City Center, located at 700 Montgomery Highway (U.S. 31), Suite 100. Ephesians 6: 18.

Prayer Requests for Missionaries to the Deaf

Our partner taking the Gospel to the deaf around the world has about 230 staffers, of whom almost 200 are deaf. Please pray for them and their needs and requests:

  • For the ongoing project to produce the “Jesus Film” in more sign languages using native signers in each language.
  • For the work in Romania to train and equip new believers and to continue reaching the lost who are coming to know the Lord through the videos being produced.
  • For the continued growth and impact of the school ministry among the deaf in Nigeria.
  • For the deaf worldwide to have greater access to the gospel in their heart languages and for more and more of them to become Christ followers and disciple-makers. Philippians 4: 6—7.

Prayer Prompts from Around the World

Another of our ministry partners, Every Home for Christ, shares many updated prayer needs on a rolling, one-minute basis at the link below. The next time you find yourself simply waiting somewhere, try going to this link and lift up those seeking help as described in this “Prayer Watch Live.” Ephesians 6: 18.

Discipleship Training Opportunity in Myanmar

Biglife, another of our ministry partners, just had a door of opportunity open in Myanmar to provide disciple-making training in a particular region for the first time. This opportunity has arisen despite ongoing violence and brutality occurring more than a year after a military coup. Pray for the brave Christians there and for those who are lost and desperate. Luke 19: 10.

What Can One Poor, Illiterate Person Do for the Lord among People Hostile to the Gospel?

This report comes from New Generations, one of our ministry partners focusing on “Disciple Making Movements” (DMM):


“They doubted her ability to plant churches. She was, after all, illiterate. Wouldn’t that hinder her? Wouldn’t she fall short of her goal to catalyze church movement? As endearing as it was to see her spirit and passion for this, her pastor advised her to rethink this and pray about the decision.
As an ordinary woman in her village who sold palm oil for a living, Lydia (pseudonym) unmistakably heard the call from God. As she continued to pray and ask God for direction, He led her directly to the DMM training.
In completing the training, Lydia then requested to be assigned to a community known for radical Islam and occult practices. With reluctant permission, her church proceeded to give her a farewell that felt more like a funeral. Again, they doubted the success of this church planting endeavor in light of the danger involved.
But we have learned in multiple seasons and multiple circumstances that God shows up in mighty ways, regardless of our might. He moves and directs, regardless of our idea of what’s possible.
And in the midst of this typically-resistant village, Lydia planted a church that launched eight more second-generation churches within a year.
Over the next two years, the churches continued to multiply and impact those around them to the point where the community, once known for radical Islam, was considered safe enough for others to take her place so that she could move on to a new pioneer location.
The courage of one, illiterate woman to obediently follow God’s call has been used by Him to spark disciple making within a region once known as hostile.
Imagine how far the Gospel would reach if every believer obeyed in such a way!”

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