August 2023 Prayer Gram

August 1, 2023
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First Tuesday Prayer Gathering – Join us LIVE on August 1!

Our upcoming First Tuesday Prayer Gathering will take place on August 1 at 7:00-7:30am CDT. We’ll be streaming the prayer gathering LIVE and would be honored for you to join us as we intercede together.

You can join us to pray from anywhere! Just click the Zoom link below.

Philippians 4:6

Praise Report from Remote Area of Amazon in Peru

Our brother, Jhon Linares, has provided this photo and a report from Peru. Jhon is the third from the right in the photo, and the family with him is helping take the Gospel from village to village in the Amazon region of Peru. Please pray that in each village, they will find “persons of peace” who are eager to learn and become disciple-makers.

Luke 10:5-9

The Gospel in a Rickshaw

Our brother, Shyam, pictured right, has attached his “Jesus Film” tablet to his rickshaw in India so that all his passengers can watch at least part of the Gospel story while they ride. Shyam has started four new discipleship groups as a result. Thank the Lord for this enterprising brother who is using and multiplying his talents for the Lord! Let’s pray that his business will expand along with his message.

1 Corinthians 9:22-23

Discipleship Training Podcast

Attention podcast fans and Bible teachers! Check out the podcast linked below about going beyond teaching the Bible to helping equip others to discover and obey the Bible.

Matthew 7:24-29

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