December 2022 Prayer Gram

December 9, 2022
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Our Next “First Tuesday” Prayer Gatherings in Birmingham are December 6 and January 10.

For those in the Birmingham area on either of those dates, please join us at 7:00—7:30 A.M., to pray that more of our sisters and brothers would share the gospel and plant churches, even in remote and sometimes dangerous locations, and to pray for unreached people and new believers in those places.  We will meet and pray at our office at Myrick Gurosky & Associates in the Vestavia Hills City Center, located at 700 Montgomery Highway (U.S. 31), Suite 100.   1 Thessalonians 5: 16—25.

Pray for Christmas Gatherings Around the World

Many new churches soon gather for their first Christmas services, and many unbelievers will hear the Christmas story for the first time.  Pray for all these events and for presentations of the gospel along with our Lord’s birth narrative.  Many missionaries report that unbelievers from other cultures often are drawn to the joyful story of the first Christmas.  Luke 2: 1—20.

Persecuted Brothers and Sisters in Many Countries

Reports even by secular media indicate that persecution of Christians, especially of new converts in certain nations, continues to increase.  Please pray for our brothers and sisters around the world and (often underground) church plants in hostile locations, including those in Afghanistan, China, Cuba, Iran, Mauritania, Nicaragua, North Korea, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia.    John 15: 18—23.

Bible Studies for New Believers

At the link below is a look into how one of our partners teaches new believers to discover spiritual truths.  Consider trying this Bible study approach if you get the opportunity to instruct new believers.  Matthew 28: 20.

Evangelists to the Deaf

DOOR International, our partner taking the gospel to the deaf around the world, asks for prayers for: the new 2-by-2 ministry in Angola, with its estimated deaf population of 348,000 without any deaf churches; A Middle Eastern translation project in the process of securing funding and locating skilled signers to join the team; and the North African team training in Kenya.  Matthew 9: 36—38.

Taking the Gospel to the Unreached in Madagascar

Teams in Madagascar recently took the gospel to three previously unreached tribes, the Tsimihety, the Betsimisaraka, and the Antandroy.  Eight new discipleship groups were started. The teams also delivered nutrition formula to children severely affected by a drought and lack of water.  Pray for good soil among the hearts of these people first hearing and learning about Christ.  Luke 8: 4—15.

More Baptisms in Sierra Leone

During October, 14 new brothers and sisters were baptized in the African nation of Sierra Leone.  Thank the Lord for these new believers and the work there.  Matthew 28: 19.

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