February 2021 Prayer Gram

February 2, 2021
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Salvations and Baptisms in Kenya

Rejoice over the 11 new believers recently baptized by Nathaniel, himself a disciple being taught by our brother Rawlings in Kenya. Pictured is one of those baptisms. Luke 15:7.

February 2021 Prayer Gram

Peace of the Gospel in Disputed South Asian Region

Thank the Lord for the results of our brother Amit’s recent visit to Jammu and Kashmir, a region involved in a longstanding dispute between India and Pakistan. Amit shared the Gospel with over 200 Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs, and 20 have repented and placed their faith in Christ. One family of new believers already has begun sharing Jesus with others. Romans 10:15.

Deaf Missionary Teams in Africa…

Pray for Emmanuel Ochuli, leader of the deaf 2×2 ministry teams in Uganda; Peter Maina and Kennedy Oyoo, who are moving to Angola to begin a deaf 2×2 ministry there; and John and Jen Samson as they prepare to move to Kenya. Luke 10:1.

…And in a Security-Sensitive Country

Please also pray for the deaf missionaries, disciples and potential disciples in a mountainous country, unnamed for security purposes. The team there is having weekly videoconferencing Bible studies with an average of 35 deaf people participating. Acts 2:47.

Miracles in South Asia

New Generations, one of our ministry partners, has reported a physical miracle that has led to spiritual miracles: “A tribal farmer in South Asia had heard that Jesus does miracles. Then, when out in his fields he was bitten by a poisonous snake. On his way home, he prayed to this Jesus for help. People were sure he would die—but he was healed! And without any antidote. So, he chose to follow Jesus and started a Bible study in his home. This is the very first group of followers in his people group. Pray for this small group of people to grow and multiply throughout their tribe.” Luke 10:20.

Persecution in Unnamed Country

New Generations also has reported the following: “Midnight raids and imprisonment of ‘harvest workers’ is going on right now in a highly resistant country. One young family who was jailed had a friend bring food to the jail for them, a common way of feeding prisoners there. Instead of being able to help, the friend was also arrested. Pray for these dear people, remembering them as if we were in prison with them!” Hebrews 13:3.

Covid-Related Deaths and Challenges in Southern Africa

Please pray for the New Generations teams that recently have lost several leaders to Covid in Southern Africa. Please pray also for their families and for the teams’ spiritual and physical health. Ask for the Lord to raise up new leaders there and to guide and bless the upcoming relocation of that regional office to Durban, South Africa. 3 John 2.

Prayer Request from The Timothy Initiative

Our newest partner, The Timothy Initiative, is launching an effort along with other church planting organizations, including Doulos, to plant churches in about 350,000 of the 750,000 known villages in Nepal and India over the next five years. Those 350,000 villages now have no known, Christian churches or professing believers. Please pray for all the teams involved and for all those who soon will hear the Gospel for the first time as a result of this effort. Matthew 9:37-38.

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