February 2022 Prayer Gram

February 1, 2022
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Planting Gospel Seeds in a Country Possibly Nearing War

While many powerful nations watch and worry about possible war in Eastern Europe, pray for the evangelism seminar and training scheduled to take place about 500 miles east of Moscow, in the Russian Republic of Tatarstan, on February 9—12. Pray for the speakers and the students participating in this work that you are supporting in Russia. Matthew 4: 16.

Prayer and Praise Requests from Evangelists to the Deaf

Our partners sharing the good news with the deaf around the world have shared the following prayer & praise requests:

  1. Pray for the 2-by-2 teams in a security-sensitive area as those teams are reaching more cities and towns there.
  2. Pray for the teams and new believers in another security-sensitive location, where the government is trying to oppose the work, and some family members are persecuting their relatives who profess faith in Christ.
  3. Praise the Lord for the work done by and through the teams in Asia since 2005. Thank the Lord for the deaf-led churches and a recent Bible translation project for the deaf there. Ephesians 6: 18—20.

Thank the Lord for the Salvation of Pushpa and Her Sisters, and Pray for Their Father

See the story and accompanying photos of Pushpa and her sisters coming to faith in Christ. Pray for the liberation of their father. 1 Corinthians 6: 9—11.

Testimony and Prayer Request of a New Sister in Christ

“My name is Kedija (pseudonym). I was born to a Muslim family in the late 70s. My father is an Imam in a very big and renowned mosque in the community where we live. He has been to Mecca five times to perform Hajj. He has three wives, and my mother is the second wife. My parents never compromised their faith in Islam. They would stop at nothing to disown any of their children if they attempted to go to church or become a Christ follower.


“In 2016, I fell sick and got paralyzed. My father took me to the hospital where I was diagnosed with different kinds of complicated sicknesses including enlargement of the heart. It was a very complex situation for me to understand. I took both medical and traditional treatments, but none of them helped to cure me. My family abandoned me; there was usually no one to attend to me whenever I needed attention. Of course, the father of my two children had left me even before I got sick. I was considered a burden to them and the best option my mother found was to send me to the village to her elder sister so that they could get rid of me.

“But as God could have it, my childhood friend by the name of Hawa (pseudonym), who has become a follower of Jesus, visited me and prayed with me. That night, when I went to bed, I saw in my dream a man dressed in white stretching his hand towards me. He asked me to walk to him. As soon as I wanted to get up, I woke up from my sleep. When I explained the dream to my friend, she told me Jesus was ready to deliver me. She invited her pastor to join hands with her to pray for me. To God be the glory, I have been able to walk on my legs.

“I have given my life to Jesus. I am very proud of my decision because I have found power in the name of Jesus alone.

“Consequent to my decision to follow Jesus, I was asked by my father to leave his house. I was in total shock because my expectation was that they should understand that it was through Jesus I had received mercy for my healing and had gained strength to be on my legs again. Well, I was determined to follow Jesus, so I left his house. I currently stay with my friend Hawa, whose life has inspired me to be steadfast in the Lord. My joy has been complete because Jesus has healed me completely. The joy that doctors could not bring me, my Lord has brought me for free. I have become a church planter. My prayer now is that God will open the eyes of my parents so they would equally experience this freedom and power I have experienced in Jesus.

“Thank you, Jesus, for restoring my life.”
Amen! Matthew 11: 4—6.

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