How We Empower the Indigenous

July 22, 2022
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Doulos Partners works to empower indigenous peoples with the tools and resources they need to deliver the Gospel faster and more effectively around the world. Our commitment to partnering with indigenous believers and established organizations to create new churches is to spread the Gospel and turn new believers into passionate followers of Christ.

To accomplish our purpose, we join with well-established, efficient church planting organizations that already have excellent relationships with local pastors worldwide. Our goal of proclaiming the Gospel includes partnering with Christian church planting organizations and indigenous Christians.

Building a Stronger Community

We are increasing our support for indigenous peoples, whose economic and social empowerment is critical for the kind of long-term development that can transform impoverished rural areas in developing countries. Several indigenous peoples and groups worldwide are still fighting to maintain their identity, culture, territory, and natural resources, despite considerable advancements.

Without mainstreaming indigenous peoples’ rights, without being serious about their empowerment, without collaborating with them on an equal footing, any global development agenda we establish would be a meaningless exercise, since it will not reach the most impoverished people on the planet. Indigenous peoples have gained more control over their development as our engagement with them has grown, and we intend to continue to empower them as they pursue their own goals.

The rights of indigenous peoples are something that we owe to ourselves and the rest of humanity. The right to nature’s benefits – clean air, water, and land – as well as the right to liberty, are all protected by international law.


Non-Profit Organization

Doulos Partners is a non-profit organization based in Birmingham, Alabama. We do everything from national leadership to one-on-one Gospel-centered sharing. These techniques help Western missionaries build trust, navigate traditions and get familiar with the culture in which we operate as a mission-driven mutual fund, directing the resources as most needed.

Our Board of Directors has always covered all administrative costs, allowing your gifts to go directly to the beneficiaries. Jointly, we can train church planters and empower indigenous peoples.

Empowering Indigenous Peoples

Together, we can empower indigenous peoples and provide our partners with a wide variety of services and goods. Prayer support is just one way that we support our indigenous partners. We understand that, in order to sustain a ministry, we must also educate and guide local leaders. Short-term missions provide hope, love, and assistance to those in need. As a result, churches are expanding, and more people have accepted Christ as their Savior.

We provide financial support to organizations that share our values and vision. We desire to empower indigenous leaders with excellence, evangelism, discipleship, and church planting to reach their own people. Our aim is simple: to provide Gospel-centered indigenous leaders worldwide. We feel that cooperating with local Christians and individuals who already have deep roots in the locations where God is leading us is crucial to reaching the most significant number of people efficiently and affordably.

The goal is for devoted Christians worldwide to work together with integrity to spread the message of Jesus Christ to as many people as possible. For more information contact us today!
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