January 2023 Prayer Gram

January 3, 2023
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Praying for Our Enemies

Our partner, New Generations, reports that Islamist radicals in one African region have burned churches, attacked Christians and beaten to death one of our church planters. So, following recent flooding in that area, local leaders there were shocked that when the government and other Muslims were either unable or unwilling to help, Christians provided emergency relief for the people.  As a result, a door has opened to share the gospel in this previously closed community.  Please pray for our brothers and sisters there and for those who are hearing the gospel for the first time and even for the radicals who have violently opposed the Lord and His servants.  Matthew 5: 43—48.

Rebirths at Christmas

Thanks to all who prayed for the Christmas services and outreach programs for the lost around the world.  We have received one early report from Cambodia, where 70 people heard the Christmas message and 35 became Christ followers.  Matthew 4: 16.

Spiritual and Physical Healings in Nepal

Our sister Gillian reports that 15 people in one district of Nepal recently were baptized.  She says that some people there were healed physically and others were healed spiritually by hearing the gospel and believing.  John 14: 11—21.

At the New Year It’s Good to Reflect and Rededicate Ourselves to our Lord’s Great Commission

One of our partners, The Timothy Initiative, reminds us all in the video at the link below of the great need and joy in continuing to obey the Great Commission, especially in the areas of the world inhabited by many who have never heard the gospel.  Matthew 28: 18—20.

Our January and February “First Tuesday” Prayer Gatherings are on January 3 and February 7. For those in the Birmingham area, please join us at 7:00—7:30 A.M. on those dates to pray.  We will pray in person at our office at Myrick Gurosky & Associates in the Vestavia Hills City Center, located at 700 Montgomery Highway (U.S. 31), Suite 100.   1 Thessalonians 5: 16—19.

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