July 2021 Prayer Gram

July 1, 2021
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Prayerfully Consider an Extra Donation in July to Plant More Churches

A donor has generously offered to match, up to $30,000, all new donations during July. On average, it costs about $300 to plant a new church to reach the lost. Click on this link to make a gift and to help increase the impact of our work together in the field.


Prayer’s Role in Disciple-Making Movements

Click on the link below to see and hear from one of our partners and their local leaders regarding the importance of prayer in sharing the Gospel with the unreached.

Applying those Prayer Lessons in Thailand

Just as the short video at the above link shares lessons about praying and fasting for people groups, please pray for the unengaged, unreached people group (UUPG) known as the Mpi in Thailand. With the Lord’s help the Mpi very soon will no longer be “unengaged!” A local team and another family are praying for the Mpi, traveling there and seeking a person of peace among them, especially someone who can help the Gospel-carriers overcome the language barrier. Luke 10:1-11

Specific Persecutions in North Africa

Our brother Habil asks us to please pray for believers suffering persecution in Libya and Mauritania. One of our brothers in Libya has had his property destroyed and his life threatened. In Mauritania, a Christian group has fled after being threatened with death. Matthew 5:10-12

Overcoming the Pandemic around the World

Pray for the believers and the lost in Brazil, South Asia, and in other densely populated and impoverished locations around the world. Pray that new contacts made remotely during the pandemic will continue to bear spiritual fruit. Pray also that our teams, leaders, and church planters soon will have more freedom to travel to many hard-hit areas to share the gospel and the love of Christ. Galatians 2:10

Prayer Requests from One of Our Partners

The Timothy Initiative, one of our partners committed to “making disciples that make disciples,” has shared the following new prayer requests:

  • For its team members, field leaders and partners around the globe to have united vision and to be of one mind;
  • For hearts that are not shaken or discouraged by uncertainty or persecution;
  • For a renewed sense of urgency to reach those who are perishing without hearing the good news of Jesus Christ; and
  • For our brother Amos, who was beaten and robbed on the way to disciple-making training in Ghana.

2 Corinthians 11:26-30

Baptisms and Training in Uganda

Our brother and sister, Rawlings and Sandra, shared the photos below of recent training and some of the 10 baptisms in Uganda.  Rejoice with them and our new brothers and sisters there. Pray also for the leaders and new believers among the South Sudanese refugees in Uganda. Philippians 1:3-6

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