June 2022 Prayer Gram

June 6, 2022
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Our Brother Who is Facing a Possible Death Sentence for Refusing to Deny Christ

Please continue to pray for our brother in a “Creative Access” nation who has been arrested for possessing and sharing gospel literature. It is possible that he could be given a death sentence.   Philippians 1: 12—14.

Our Next “First Tuesday” Prayer Gathering in Birmingham, Alabama is June 7

For those in the Birmingham area on Tuesday, June 7, please join us at 7:00—7:30 A.M. to pray for our sisters and brothers working in the field in some of the most dangerous places in the world and for new and future believers and church plants everywhere.   We will meet at our office at Myrick Gurosky & Associates in the Vestavia Hills City Center, located at 700 Montgomery Highway (U.S. 31), Suite 100.  Acts 6: 4.

Evangelism in Northern Mexico Prisons

Our brother Hector and his wife Martha have been granted access to share the gospel and baptize new believers in a men’s prison and in a women’s prison in Northern Mexico.  Among the men on death row, 217 have professed faith in Christ.  Hector and two other brothers recently began sharing the gospel in other areas of the men’s prison, where 41 have become Christ followers.  Hebrews 13: 3.

Baptisms Despite Persecution in the Comoros Islands

Our brother Imaad reports that persecution of believers recently has increased on the Comoros Islands, off the southeastern coast of Africa, but even so, two more believers were baptized in late May.  Matthew 10: 32.

Sharing the Gospel with the Hmong People Group in Thailand

One of our Biglife partnering teams recently provided gospel and discipleship training to members of the Hmong people group in Thailand.  One of the trainees later reported that he in turn had trained his mother, who wanted to learn how to share the gospel with her own brothers who are unbelievers.  Acts 16: 30—34.

Musu’s Story from Sierra Leone

The Lord continues to work powerfully in Sierra Leone, “upholding the cause of the oppressed, giving food to the hungry, setting the prisoners free, giving sight to the blind, and lifting up those who are bowed down.”  Psalm 146: 7—8.  Here’s a powerful testimony from another of our mission partners, Every Home for Christ, taking the gospel to the lost in Sierra Leone:

“Local believers shout to each other over the sound of the bikes, coordinating which areas of town each team will cover. ‘Go to the slums,’ a leader reminds them. ‘Target the areas where prostitution is common.’  The teams know exactly what neighborhood he’s talking about — Capital. It’s notorious, ‘a place where young boys and girls live wretched and dangerous lives,’ according to one Every Home team member.

The team assigned to cover Capital parks their bikes near a known place of prostitution. How do you start sharing the gospel in a place like this? One member of the team, a pastor named Philp, introduces himself to a handful of young men and women standing nearby. ‘You have to ask our boss if you can speak here,’ they tell him. So, Philp searches out the boss, who gives the team permission to share the gospel.  As the team begins to speak, one young woman bursts into tears. Through sobs, she explains that her name is Musu Amara, and she is just 22 years old.  The child of wealthy parents, Musu had been a third-year student at the polytechnic institute in the city of Kenema. The trajectory of her life pointed toward success, comfort, and prosperity. But she started keeping company with bad influences, dropped out of school, and eventually found herself living as a prostitute.  ‘I am not the only one,’ Musu says. She confesses that she has dragged many of her friends into the sex trade.  But now she tells the team she’s done. ‘I want to go home,’ she says.  ‘Are you truly ready?’ Philp asks.  ‘I am ready to go today!’ Musu answers.  So, two Every Home team members help Musu pack her belongings and board a motor-bike taxi with her.  On the road that leads to the Amara house, hope on its way sounds like the chatter and growl of an approaching motorcycle.  Sallay Amara comes to the door and shields her eyes to see who is coming.  It has been a long time, and the young woman who gets off the motor-bike has lived a hard life. But her mom recognizes her. Sallay falls to the ground, weeping.  The commotion attracts the attention of neighbors.  Are the Amaras having a funeral? Has Sallay lost a loved one? People begin to gather.

Sallay hugs her lost daughter tight. ‘Where have you been all these years?’ she asks.  Both women are crying now.  The Every Home team members help Musu explain. They encourage, counsel, and console.  

Three days later, Sallay calls the Every Home team leader to thank him.  ‘She said Musu is doing well,’ the Every Home team reports. ‘With God’s help, she is going to continue her education.’ But there’s more! As a result of Musu’s dramatic return, every one of her formerly Muslim family members has accepted the gospel! Most of Musu’s friends from Capital have also decided to return home. In fact, so many young people have now left this life that the man who exploited them has been forced to close his business and leave the area.

Around the world, the gospel is transforming lives because gifts like yours put fuel in motorcycles and place believers, like Philp, on the doorsteps of houses of exploitation and bondage. Together, we’re knocking on doors, declaring, ‘The people here are beloved by God.  They will be held captive no longer. It’s time to go home.’”

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