May 2023 Prayer Gram

May 2, 2023
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“First Tuesday” Prayer Gatherings on May 2 and June 6

Please join us at 7:00—7:30 A.M.CDT on Tuesday, May 2, in person at our office at Myrick Gurosky & Associates, located at 700 Montgomery Highway (U.S. 31), Suite 100, in the Vestavia Hills City Center.   We hope to hear a praise report from the mission team just back from Sri Lanka and to pray for the team departing on May 3 for Peru.  We also hope to offer you the opportunity to pray with us by participating remotely, beginning with the June 6 gathering.  If you’d like to join us then and participate remotely, please let David Johnson know by e-mailing him at  Philippians 4: 6.

Easter Planting and Harvesting

Pray for all those who heard the gospel message for the first time during Easter, that their hearts would be good soil.  Praise the Lord for those who became Christ followers during Easter.  Our partner, Biglife, reports that 69 new disciples from a previously unreached people group in South Sudan were baptized on Easter.  Nearby are some pictures from that joyful event.  Philippians 1: 3—6.

Pray for Pastors in Zimbabwe

Our brother Cleopas with our partner, Every Home for Christ, has shared a prayer request for pastors in Zimbabwe.  Covid lockdowns there were very severe, and church attendance in many places has not yet returned to pre-pandemic levels.  Cleopas reports that some pastors have become discouraged.  Please pray for them and the churches there.  Pray also for those there who don’t yet know Christ.  In cultures with a history of ancestor worship, many unbelievers are skeptical that Jesus Christ, someone they don’t yet know, could be a better advocate with God than dead ancestors whom the unbelievers knew personally.  1 Timothy 2: 4—6.

Evangelists to the Deaf

DOOR International, our partner with many deaf missionaries taking the gospel to the deaf all over the world, has shared the following prayer requests:

  • The Mozambique teams ministering to six new churches and hoping to reach more deaf people there.
  • The teams in a “Creative Access” region as they seek to share the gospel with up to 720,000 deaf individuals.
  • “Wisdom and energy” for the Eurasian teams ministering both to locals and to refugees. Ephesians 6: 18.

Pray Without Ceasing for Immediate Prayer Needs

Whenever you want to lift up the most updated prayer requests we have, visit this link from our partner, Every Home for Christ: . 1 Thessalonians 5: 17.

Prayer Resources

If you’d like new prayer tools for yourself or innovative ways to engage a small group in focused prayer, visit this link from our partner, New Generations: Luke 10: 2.

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