November 2022 Prayer Gram

November 3, 2022
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From Prostitute to Pastor

One of our mission partners, New Generations, has relayed this story shared by a local church planter at a recent meeting of leaders in Nairobi, Kenya.

“A group of us met regularly to pray for our community. Near our place of prayer was a beautiful home that we could tell was a house of prostitution. It disgusted us; we spoke disparagingly of the scantily clad women we saw there. But then, one day, God convicted me with the question, “Have you ever told them of my love?”

“So, several of us went to the house. We told them, “We would like to pay all of you for an hour of your time, but we just want to talk with you.” They gladly agreed. First, we asked, “How did you begin doing this type of work?” In response, we heard many sad stories of poverty and desperation. Then we asked, “Do you want to keep doing this work, or is there something else you would rather do?” All of them said they did not want to continue being prostitutes. One wanted to open a bakery; another said she wanted to design clothing. The most surprising answer was the final one. The pimp, their leader, said that he would like to be a pastor someday!

“We asked them if they would like help leaving their way of life. And then we followed up, and we thank God that we were able to help each of them achieve their goals. One of these young women enrolled in Bible college and got the top grades in her class for all three years of the program. A pastor fell in love with her and asked to marry her. She came to me and said, “This wonderful man would like to marry me, but he does not know about my past life.” So, I suggested that we meet with him together.

“When we met, I said, “This young woman is my spiritual daughter, and she says you want to marry her.” He responded, “Yes, I love her very much, and I want to spend the rest of my life with her.” I told him, “I want to tell you some of her story, which you may not know.” Then I told him how she had been a prostitute, and then she came to Christ, and her life took an entirely new direction. I asked him, “Do you still want to marry her?” He responded, “Yes, knowing this, I love her even more!” This couple now pastors the largest church in their town, and she has a beautiful voice that powerfully moves people when she sings.”
Luke 7: 36—50.

Upcoming Mission Trip to Mexico City

Please pray for all those going to East Mexico City on November 10—13, along with The Timothy Initiative and Champion Forest Baptist Church. The combined team will include John Wills, Victor Moran, Brett Wolff, David Johnson, Joshua Holec, and Matt Tumas. Romans 10: 14—15.

Practical Solution for Thousands Awaiting Baptism in South Sudan

Pray for our brothers, Kenny and Rawlings, who are traveling to South Sudan with several “kiddy pools” so that thousands of new believers there can be baptized without great expense. Pray also for the local leaders in South Sudan and our many new brothers and sisters there, where the Spirit of the Lord is moving with dramatic results, in particular in terms of the numbers of new believers. Acts 8: 36—38.

Seeking to Reach 300 Million Bengali People in South Asia

Our partner, New Generations, has requested prayer for its efforts to reach the 300 million Bengali people spread over several South Asian countries. Pray for our brother Ashish as he identifies, trains, and coaches 100 leaders to start hundreds of gatherings of first-generation believers. Pray also for our brother Sahib and his wife. The couple had three groups of 15 believers until participating in Disciple Making Movement (DMM) training. According to New Generations, Sahib and his wife “began taking believers with them on morning and evening prayer walks, finding persons of peace and starting Discovery Bible Study groups. In the last eight months, they’ve seen over 100 new gatherings of believers.” Please pray that these gatherings will be replicated in even more generations of believers.
Matthew 9: 36—38.

Evangelists to the Deaf

DOOR International, our partner with many deaf missionaries taking the gospel to the deaf everywhere, has shared the following prayer requests for:

  • Its Nigerian teams, which already escaped danger a few times during recent unrest and protests.
  • A potential project in West Asia and its corresponding translation committee to be formed.
  • Other deaf ministry partners, including Deaf Missions, which is making a new movie; Silent Blessings, which is making “God’s Word for Deaf Kids” memory verses; Deaf Harbor, which is undergoing significant office repairs; and the Deaf Ministry Coalition, holding upcoming meetings of many deaf ministry leaders.

John 17: 20—23.

Minute-by-Minute Prayer Requests

Our partner, Every Home for Christ, frequently updates and posts prayer requests that rotate every minute on its website. When you are praying for the work and fulfillment of the Great Commission and would like very recent and specific prayer requests, click on the link below. Ephesians 6: 18—20.

Our Next “First Tuesday” Prayer Gatherings in Birmingham are December 6 and January 3.

For those in the Birmingham area on either of those dates, please join us at 7:00—7:30 A.M., to pray that more and more of our sisters and brothers would share the gospel and plant churches, even in remote and sometimes dangerous locations, and to pray for unreached people and new believers in those places. We will meet and pray at our office at Myrick Gurosky & Associates in the Vestavia Hills City Center, located at 700 Montgomery Highway (U.S. 31), Suite 100. Luke 18: 1—8.

For more information please contact us today!

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