September 2022 Prayer Gram

September 7, 2022
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Our Brother Josh Transitioning to Missions Pastor

Please pray for our brother, Josh Clarke, and his family, as well as the Doulos staff as Josh transitions into becoming the Missions Pastor at Shades Mountain Baptist Church. Pray for the continued unity and cooperation among all our staff and supporters and all their churches, both in prayer and in the field. For more details, click here to see the messages from Josh and David Johnson. John 17: 20—23.

Two Believers Rescued from Severe Persecution

We are thrilled to report that our jailed brother has been released in a “Creative Access” nation in Western Africa. Arrested for attempting to share Bibles with new disciples, he was condemned to death by hanging. Instead, he was unexpectedly released, the first known such reversal of a death sentence in that specific location. We also rejoice with our brother “A” after he recently was released from jail in Chad. He had been severely beaten and imprisoned. Hebrews 13: 3.

Our Next “First Tuesday” Prayer Gatherings in Birmingham, Alabama are September 13 and October 4.
For those in the Birmingham area on September 13, or October 4, please join us at 7:00—7:30 A.M. to pray for our sisters and brothers sharing the gospel and planting churches in remote and sometimes dangerous locations, and to pray for the unreached and the new believers in those places. We will meet and pray at our office at Myrick Gurosky & Associates in the Vestavia Hills City Center, located at 700 Montgomery Highway (U.S. 31), Suite 100. Matthew 9: 37—38.

September 2022 Prayer Gram

Evangelists to the Deaf

DOOR International, our partner with many deaf missionaries taking the gospel to the deaf everywhere, asks for prayers for our brother and teammate Philippe Gallant, and his family following the recent death of his father-in-law. Galatians 6:2.

Transition at Every Home for Christ

Our partner, Every Home for Christ, has announced a similar transition as Doulos is experiencing. Our brother, Dick Eastman, will be passing the baton of leadership at Every Home to our brother, Tanner Peake. Meanwhile, our brother Dick will continue to serve on the Every Home Board in the new position of CPO–chief prayer officer. Click here for live, updated prayer requests from Every Home. Acts 13: 2—3.

Helping the Poor, Building Relationships and Making Disciples Among Unreached Groups

See and hear how one of our partners uses its “Access/Compassion” approach to sharing the love of Christ and the truth of the gospel. Galatians 2: 10.

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