Simple Ways to Share the Gospel

August 21, 2022
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As Christians, we are called to be missionaries and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This is in keeping with the great commission found in Matthew 28:16-20 where our resurrected Lord instructs us to go and make disciples of all nations and baptize them.

Unfortunately, a lot of Christians struggle with fulfilling this mission because they often feel great pressure to deliver the best sales pitch for Christianity. The truth is while being an excellent communicator is a huge plus in this endeavor it’s not a requirement. There are a variety of simple ways to build relationships and draw people to Jesus.

Here are a few of them…

1. Draw on Your Strengths

Ephesians 4:11 reminds us that although we are one body of believers we have been bestowed with different gifts to serve in the work of the Lord. According to the scripture, some are evangelists, apostles, pastors, prophets, and teachers. Extrapolated in a broader sense the scripture conveys that all Christians have their own unique God-given strengths to help them win souls for Christ.

It is therefore our responsibility to figure out which abilities we were bestowed with and use them for the glory of God. For instance, like Moses, you may not be a good orator but you’re blessed with bravery and great leadership qualities. By using these traits to fight for the oppressed and lead others to success in the name of Jesus you’re sharing the Gospel with others through your actions.


2. Be a Good Listener

James 1:19 tells us to be quick to listen and slow to react. The reason some Christians don’t win over more souls for Christ is that they often don’t really listen to the people they’re evangelizing to, or really immerse themselves in their shoes. As Christians, the more we listen the more we get to understand the people we encounter, and this, consequently, helps us determine the best approach to use to share the Gospel.

Being a good listener and making people feel heard and valued is also part of showing love. It creates a positive impression and helps foster good relationships. This makes people more open and willing to listen to the word when you finally decide to share the good news with them.

3. Show Love When Undeserved

According to Proverbs 25:21 if your enemy is hungry feed him, if he is thirsty offer him a drink. Such acts of kindness to people who don’t mean us well are a reflection of God’s love and mercy to humankind. For it is written in Matthew 5:45 that he makes the sunshine on the just and the unjust.

By following the scripture and combating evil with the good we are proving to the world that we are truly our Father’s children and that we practice what we preach. This goes a long way in attracting the most convinced unbelievers and leading them to Christ.

Doulos Partners is a Gospel-centered foundation that strives to empower indigenous leaders through evangelism and discipleship with the intent to take the Gospel to the ends of the world. Contact us today!
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