August 2021 Prayer Gram

August 6, 2021
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Praise and Thanks for Extra Donations in July to Plant Additional Churches

We praise the Lord and also thank you, our partners and supporters, for meeting and exceeding the $30,000 match during July. You donated $98,000, enabling the planting of about 325 new churches to help reach the lost, to disciple new believers, and to worship our Lord. Philippians 1: 3—6.

Prayer Requests from Our Partnering Evangelists to the Deaf

  • For our sister, Camille Beckham, for her work as an interpreter;
  • For the training of translation teams, so that their work will produce high-quality scriptures; and
  • For the “2×2” teams and leaders serving in many countries around the world. Mark 6: 7.

New Generations’ Intercessory Example and Scriptural Prayers

Our partner, New Generations, has some excellent prayer resources to share with you. For this month, let’s remember some scriptural prayers that a very effective intercessory team has followed. Through Shodankeh Johnson, the Lord has raised up over 10,000 intercessors in West Africa and thousands more elsewhere since 2005. Here are a few of the 10 key scriptural points and instructions that team follows in praying for the Lord to hear and to answer. Let’s also ask Him to use all of us to help complete the work He has assigned:

  • “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.  Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send workers into His harvest field.” Luke 10: 2.  So, let’s all obey the Lord in this regard and pray for more and more workers of all kinds and specialties to participate in the harvest.  
  • “Stop grumbling among yourselves. No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws them, and I will raise them up at the last day.  It is written in the prophets: ‘And they shall all be taught by God.’  Therefore, everyone who has heard and learned from the Father comes to Me.”  John 6: 43—45. So, let’s ask the Father to speak to the lost, to teach them, and to draw them, so that they may come to Christ.
  • “And pray for us too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains. Pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should.” Colossians 4: 3—4. So, let’s pray that the Lord will open doors and opportunities for his workers all over the world to share the gospel boldly and clearly.

Great Example of the Fruits of Your Prayers

See the short video at the link below to see how the Lord answered such prayers as those above in reaching and saving many among the Daasanach people group in Northern Kenya.

Continue to Remember Those Suffering in Myanmar

Our partner, Biglife, asks us to continue lifting up those suffering in Myanmar from war, the pandemic, the collapse of their healthcare system, and now from flooding. According to at least one estimate, up to half of the population could contract the Covid virus and as much as 20% could perish.

Here are pictures of the recent flooding that has worsened an ongoing calamity. Pray for the Lord to have compassion on this people and to save them not only from the ongoing devastations, but also from spiritual darkness and destruction. Matthew 9: 35—36.

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