August 2022 Prayer Gram

August 5, 2022
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Our Next “First Tuesday” Prayer Gatherings in Birmingham, Alabama are August 2 and September 13

For those in the Birmingham area on Tuesday, August 2, or September 13, please join us at 7:00—7:30 A.M. to pray for our sisters and brothers sharing the gospel and planting churches in remote and sometimes dangerous locations, and to pray for the unreached and the new believers in those places. We will meet and pray at our office at Myrick Gurosky & Associates in the Vestavia Hills City Center, located at 700 Montgomery Highway (U.S. 31), Suite 100. Philippians 4: 6.

Wells of Living Water in Sierra Leone

This report comes to us from New Generations, one of our ministry partners:
“By the grace of God, we were able to construct or rehabilitate 29 water wells and 175 latrines for 14 communities in the south of Sierra Leone. This opened the door for us to begin Discovery Bible Studies. In one community, the town chief and some of his elders became followers of Jesus through a Discovery Bible Study. This led to the baptism of 70 men and women!

“The baptism and the testimonies of the new believers served as a witness in the community which created a holy discontent in the hearts of some Muslims.  They went to their Imam (local leader in the Mosque) and demanded to become followers of Jesus.

“The Imam, after several consultations, accepted the demands of the families, and he grudgingly took the families that wanted to leave the mosque and presented them to the leader of the Church.  This amazing event brought great joy and gladness as the church received the new believers. These Jesus followers have been baptized and are now being discipled to the glory of God.” John 4: 10—14.

Video of Amazing Salvation Stories of a Young Man and His Mother in Nigeria

Watch and listen to an amazing story involving tragedy and salvation for a young man and his mother in Nigeria. 1 Peter 2: 9.

August 2022 Prayer Gram

Evangelists to the Deaf

DOOR International, our partner with many deaf missionaries taking the gospel to the deaf everywhere, asks for prayers for our sister, Julia Bange and her Romanian team serving deaf Ukrainian refugees, and for praises to the Lord for the recent translation of 110 Bible stories into a security sensitive sign language. Pray that all who understand that language will hear the word of the Lord and be good soil for the seed planted among them. Mark 4: 20.

Taking the Gospel to Somalis in Kenya

Our brother Rawlings reports that seven teams with two disciples each recently prayer walked among the Somali people in Kenya. Some of the Somalis there reportedly are members of the al-Qaeda affiliated terrorist group, al-Shabaab. The mission teams shared the gospel with 43 Somalis, and several Somalis became Christ followers as a result. 1 Corinthians 1: 23—31.

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