December 2021 Prayer Gram

December 6, 2021
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Pray for Wanderers Coming to Christmas Celebrations

Our partners in many countries soon will be having Christmas celebrations and services.  Many people who do not yet know Christ will go to these events to learn more about rumors of joyful good news.  Pray that the seekers will be confronted with Christ and the Lord’s miraculous love, just as the shepherds were so long ago.  Luke 2: 8—20.

Christians Sharing the Peace of Christ During the War in Ethiopia

Please pray for our partners and local leaders and all our fellow believers in Ethiopia.  Besides tens of thousands of deaths, many more survivors now face homelessness and potentially the worst famine in decades.  As the war there has intensified, many foreigners are leaving the country.  Pray for the leaders and believers who remain, still serving and sharing the peace and joy of Christ despite the terrible conditions there.  James 2:5.

Successful Christian Farmer in East Africa

Thank the Lord for using a faithful farmer to share the gospel in East Africa.  Because of his success in irrigation farming, many of the man’s neighbors from the majority religious group are asking him to help them and even to pray for them.  So far, there are 31 new disciples in this community despite severe persecution.   Philippians 4: 12—13.

Kenny Fong, Leaders and New Believers in Africa

Our Brother Kenny Fong recently helped train disciples in Malawi and Zimbabwe.  One trainer, Michael, has been diagnosed with Covid-19.  Kenny reports that in Malawi, over 600 former Muslims became Christ-followers.  And last weekend, 39 new believers were baptized.  Pray for the spiritual and physical health of all the workers and new believers as that region is hit with a new Covid variant and new lockdowns.   Nearby are pictures of believers in Malawi praying for the lost and for boldness in sharing the gospel.  Ephesians 6: 18—20.

December 2021 Prayer Gram
December 2021 Prayer Gram

Sharing the Gospel through the Jesus Film in India

Our teams in many countries often arrange to show the Jesus Film in the local languages of the communities being visited.  Sometimes the film can be shown openly in the villages, and sometimes it has to be shown privately in homes.  Pictured nearby are photos from the baptisms of five new Indian believers who recently learned about Christ from that film and from those who organized the event in that village.  Pray that many more, from village to village and from house to house, will get to hear and even to see the gospel story.  Acts 5: 42.

Restrictions and Challenges Facing Deaf Evangelists

Our partners sharing the gospel with the deaf have asked for prayers for their 2-by-2 teams in Asia, where governments restrict missionary activity, and for their 2-by-2 teams in Africa, where deaf children only recently returned to schools due to the pandemic and resulting school closures.  Pray that the teams’ efforts in helping the deaf will open doors for them and will generate goodwill even among those charged with enforcing restrictions against sharing the gospel.   1 Peter 2: 12.

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