January 2021 Prayer Gram

January 5, 2021
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Has there ever been a better time to start a new year by thanking the Lord, praising Him, and blessing His Name? For our first 2021 prayer gram, let’s remember what our Lord has done for us and how He has blessed us and through whom He has done so. Let’s thank the Lord for some wonderful blessings and opportunities He has provided—even during a worldwide pandemic.  Some of these blessings truly are eternal rewards for all of us, as well as for those who have come to know and follow Christ because of Doulos Partners, and your support in sharing the Gospel with those who had never heard it, and in discipling literally millions of new believers, and in planting tens of thousands of new Christian churches.

Let us thank the Lord for all His blessings, including:

  • All of our donors who joyfully support and pray for us like the Philippian church did for the Apostle Paul and his fellow workers.
  • Open doors in security sensitive areas of South Asia for our brothers Dave Marrett and Joseph and their teams to share the Gospel as a result of feeding, helping, and serving many thousands prohibited from traveling or working by strict lockdowns; and the amazing experiences of a 12-year-old evangelist named Nu, who is fearlessly sharing Christ with his friends and with people in surrounding villages.
  • Many South Asian deaf people accepting Christ and getting baptized.
  • The recent salvation of a Bangladeshi guru, who had great influence over his 2,000 followers.
  • The 14 new Malawian disciples who were baptized just before Christmas.
  • The recent release of our brother Leonel from his unjust, 10-day imprisonment in Mozambique, where he was traveling and sharing the Gospel.
  • A healthy baby born to our brother Jakna and his wife, who are working with the DOOR International “Deaf Reaching Deaf for Christ” ministry.
  • The completion of the Chiwit sign language Bible translation project.
  • Teams of Christians helping and encouraging seven struggling deaf churches in South Asia.

Let’s also ask for the Lord’s help in at least two ways:

  • We plan to partner with students in Michigan in the coming months to participate in our first-ever virtual mission trip. After this pilot trip, we hope to extend more opportunities for people to virtually see for themselves the work in the field. Please pray for these students as they experience what God is doing around the world and for all the technology to work like it is supposed to!
  • There are many places where COVID-19 is still running rampant and seems to be spreading faster than ever before. Please pray for the safety of our church planters around the globe as they try to stay healthy while also combatting starvation in areas where strict lockdowns severely hinder people from obtaining food. We are specifically asking the Lord to help our evangelists find ways to spread the Gospel without spreading the virus.
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