July 2022 Prayer Gram

June 6, 2022
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Our Next “First Tuesday” Prayer Gatherings in Birmingham, Alabama are July 12 and August 2
For those in the Birmingham area on Tuesday, July 12, or August 2, please join us at 7:00—7:30 A.M. on those days to pray for our fellow workers sharing the gospel and planting churches, including in some dangerous places, and to pray for those who will hear the gospel as a result. We will meet at our office at Myrick Gurosky & Associates in the Vestavia Hills City Center, located at 700 Montgomery Highway (U.S. 31), Suite 100. Matthew 9: 37.

Bible Translations for the Deaf

DOOR International, our partnering organization taking the gospel to the deaf all over the world, asks for prayers for its eight sign-language, Bible translation projects in the following geographic areas: four in Asia, and one each in Eurasia, Kenya, the Middle East, and North Africa. DOOR is working with other evangelical groups, like Deaf Harbor, to try to make the gospel available to at least half of the world’s deaf population by 2025. DOOR has asked for prayer for discernment of the Lord’s guidance for future Bible translation projects in other regions. Acts 16: 6—10.

A Present-Day Prodigal Son Named Samuel

July 2022 Prayer

Read the remarkable story of another prodigal son welcomed and saved by the Lord through the gospel message shared by one of our local team members. Samuel became a Christ follower after hearing 2 Corinthians 5: 17.

Update from Eastern Europe

Through one of our gospel partners, Every Home for Christ, we are sharing the gospel, helping refugees, and providing thousands of New Testaments in seven countries impacted by the Russian-Ukrainian war. Pray that the Lord will use the traumatic events for the good of those who are called with more and more opportunities to share the comfort of Christ with those who are suffering. Revelation 3: 8.

Prayer Request from our Brother Ahmed near Northern Chad

Our brother Ahmed and his family are providing shelter for several people fleeing the recent violence in Northern Chad. Please pray for Ahmed and his family and those they are helping, as well as all the people of that region, that the gospel of the Prince of Peace would turn enemies into brothers and sisters. Isaiah 2: 2—5.

Two Disciples Planning to Reach one of the Last UUPG’s in Thailand

Please pray for two recently trained disciples who have accepted the challenge to take the gospel to an isolated people group known as the MPI. Pray also for the people who will hear about Christ for the first time ever. The MPI reportedly is one of the last Unengaged Unreached People Groups (UUPG) in Thailand. The couple will receive additional training before traveling with the Good News for the MPI in the fall. 1 Corinthians 3: 7—9.

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