June 2021 Prayer Gram

June 1, 2021
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Prayer Requests From Evangelists to the Deaf

For in-person training meetings in Nigeria;

For safety and protection for Jakna’s family as they work to minister in Asia;

For the safety of Edward O. and his family in South Sudan;

For Morris Y. and his wife who continue to pray for a baby in South Sudan; and

For the Nigeria team as they prepare to publish more scripture this month.

1 Thessalonians 5:12-13.

New Christ Followers in the Galápagos Islands

Following a recent discipleship training in the Galápagos Islands, our brother Paul C. reports that the believers experienced “an amazing week here on the Galapagos Islands. Over 200 decisions for Christ in two new areas where new disciples are beginning to meet.” Romans 15:20-21.

New “Persons of Peace” Provide Access to Reach the Lost in Mostly Muslim Country of Gambia

One of our ministry partners reports being “thrilled to share that the Lord has now provided people of peace in the African nation of Gambia…The couple who has emerged as persons of peace are influential in society and have been very active in introducing their relational network to our brother who is serving them. One of the men in their network was born into a Catholic family, but when he was growing up he asked his parents why they are followers of Christ, to which his parents had no answer. He then decided to turn to Islam. That was 20 years ago, but now he has the answer to his question and has become a faithful disciple of Jesus.” Acts 16:12-15; Acts 18:1-4.

Just Who is a “Person of Peace” Mentioned Above and How Do They Help Spread the Gospel?

See Matthew 10:7-14, Luke 10:1-11 and the video posted by one of our ministry partners at this link: https://vimeo.com/444965849

Gift From Christians in “Enemy” Country to Those Suffering in India

As is widely reported, India is suffering severely from a particularly virulent strain of the Covid-19 virus. One of our teams, led by Jens and Joanne, in another security sensitive Asian country often hostile towards India, has mobilized believers to help. Even though their “government has been encouraging the people to hate India,” the believers there have donated sacrificially, $80,000 so far, to give to their “enemies.” May the Lord bless and use this extraordinary gift and may it become known among both believers and unbelievers in those two countries. Luke 6:27-36.

Christians Suffering Along with Others in Armed Conflict in Myanmar

Please continue to pray for an end to the ongoing violent conflict in Myanmar. We have received news that three of our brothers and one of our sisters there were killed recently, apparently from heavy artillery fire by the military. Obtaining food and basic necessities is becoming very difficult for all. 1 Timothy 2:1-4.

Both a Joyful and Sad Reminder of the Importance of Sharing the Gospel With the Lost

In many places, believers face persecution as well as indiscriminate criminal violence and lawlessness sometimes plaguing their societies. Here’s a recent report from one of our ministry partners in Ghana:

“The 2-by-2 teams in Ghana are working on coming up with innovative ways to reach the unreached Deaf people in their communities. One successful method is to invite Deaf people to church with the promise of a soccer game afterwards. Many young Deaf men are being reached through the teams’ using sports as a way to evangelize.

However, there are still many challenges and dangers to ministering to Deaf people in Ghana. In December 2020, the Deaf church in Kumasi reached out to Emmanuel A. to ask him about one of their church members. This young Deaf man was a new believer, and was very passionate about his participation and service at church. One Sunday, he didn’t come to church. None of the community had seen him. After several days passed without anyone seeing him, the Kumasi Deaf church started to worry. They reached out to Emmanuel A. to see if he had received any word of this young man.

Emmanuel A. and the 2-by-2 teams started to pray that God would help them find this young man and bring him back if possible. After praying, they went out on a search and found him.  Apparently, a gang in town had robbed him and beaten him to death. The entire church was in shock. This promising young man, an emerging leader in their congregation, had his life here on this earth cut short.

The Deaf church got together to plan his funeral, hiring interpreters to interpret for his hearing family members, and had a beautiful service to celebrate his life. We are thankful that this young man had already accepted Jesus into his heart, and the Kumasi Deaf congregation is looking forward to meeting him again in heaven.”

Please pray for that young man’s family and for the church in Kumasi and for the Gospel to reach even those members of that criminal gang there. Acts 7:55-8:4.

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