March 2021 Prayer Gram

March 2, 2021
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Baptizing New Disciples Wherever the Gospel is Preached and Believed

As our teams share the Gospel, make disciples, and plant churches, they also obey the Lord’s command to baptize the new disciples in the “name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” So, praise the Lord with us for our new sister Nakima, who recently was baptized by our brother Habil. Nakima hopes to serve as an ambassador for Christ to her native Ugandans. And praise Him for the nine recent baptisms in Sierra Leone, the four in the tiny Indian Ocean island of Rodrigues (far to the east of Madagascar and Mauritius), and the three in India despite opposition and persecution there. Pictured are those recent baptisms in India. Matthew 28:18-20.


Gospel Outreach and Responses in India

As a result of a particular Gospel outreach effort in India, 20 families there have expressed an interest in learning more about the Gospel. Pray that their openness to hear will result in faith to believe. Acts 26:19-29.

Remarkable Conversion Story of Jacob in Tanzania

Our new ministry partner, the Timothy Initiative, has shared a video about the conversion of a prominent witch doctor named Jacob in Tanzania. Here is the link to the video:

1 Corinthians 6:9-11.

Praises and Prayer Requests of Evangelists to the Deaf

DOOR International has shared praise reports for the successes of their 2-by-2 ministry teams in Gitega, Burundi, for the progress of their women’s ministry and the implementation of video conferencing in Asia. They have asked for prayer for deaf children who often are more vulnerable to abuse when forced to quarantine at home during the pandemic; and for our brother Wondwosen who leads the ministry teams to the deaf in Ethiopia; and for us hearing people to learn and gain more awareness of deaf culture and sign languages. 1 Corinthians 9:19-23.

Ethiopian and Kenyan Missions Like Paul’s Vision of the Macedonian Pleading for Help

Our ministry partner, New Generations, has shared a video of how their teams in Southern Ethiopia and Northern Kenya pray and fast for the Lord’s help and guidance as they plan on which villages to visit next with the message of the Gospel. One team’s story has led to multiple generations of new believers. See their story at this link:

Acts 16:6-10.

Doulos Staff Member Leading Operations in Dallas

Please pray for our brother, Jonathan Kendrick, Doulos Partners’ new Director of Development for the Southwest Region, and for Sarah, his wife. In this role with Doulos, they soon will be moving to Dallas, Texas. Please pray for a smooth transition for Jonathan and Sarah and for all the logistics involved with the move and for the new operations there in Dallas. Please also pray that they will find favor with those to whom the Lord is sending them. 3 John 5-8.

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