May 2021 Prayer Gram

May 4, 2021
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Pandemic and Post-Pandemic Issues in India and Elsewhere

As indicated in news reports from various countries, the pandemic situation varies significantly in different parts of the world. Please pray in particular for believers and churches along with their families and communities in India as the situation there has become extremely difficult and dangerous. We just received news from one of our ministry partners that 39 church planters in South Asia have died in the past two weeks. Please also pray for healing and protection from the disease and for all our ministry partners and teams both in India and in other countries where they can travel more freely again to reach those now or soon to be accessible in person. Luke 13:1-9.

Responding to Dreams About the Lost in Burkina Faso

Our brother Isaac in Ghana reports that in 2020 he helped disciple a college student from Burkina Faso in Western Africa. The student had experienced a dream during which people from his home village were drowning and lifting their hands to him for rescue. After his graduation and following much prayer, the young man returned to his village in April. So far, 116 people there have become Christ followers as a result! Acts 16:9-10.

Another “Saul” is Converted in Asia

Our brother Nathan Venton has reported about a particular disciple’s grandfather, who persecuted new believers in a security sensitive area of Asia. Many Christians were praying for his salvation. The man now has repented and placed his faith in Jesus. Pray that he will share Christ with much more power than he previously persecuted the Lord’s followers. Galatians 1:22-24.

Violence in Myanmar

Sometimes Christians are among their countrymen suffering violence for political or other reasons. Following the military coup in February and ongoing atrocities in this Southeast Asian country, one of our brothers reports that the military has attacked his village multiple times, killing and wounding many. Our brother is one of few believers in his village, but he has been trying to help all his neighbors, including his mother who has been able to move to another village. Many people are simply hiding and praying for an end to the violence. Pray for peace in this country and for the Gospel to be spread during these very difficult times there. 1 Timothy 2:1-4.

Update on Training in Western Africa

Thank you for praying for our brother Michel, who recently provided discipleship training in Togo and Benin. He reports that during a prayer walking portion of the training in Benin, six people declared that Jesus is now their Lord and Savior. Four of the six come from a Muslim background. Pray for all the new disciples and their families in Togo and Benin and for Gospel proclaimers like Michel. Ephesians 6:18-20.

37 Baptisms in Malawi

In the Southeast African nation of Malawi, 37 believers recently were baptized. Praise the Lord for these who were lost but now are found! Luke 15:1-10.

Disciple-Makers and New Christ Followers Among the Tabora People in Tanzania

Nearby are pictures of some of the evangelistic and discipleship efforts among the Tabora people in Tanzania. Some among the people already believed in Christ. During the training, two more were baptized. Luke 24:45-48.


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