November 2021 Prayer Gram

November 10, 2021
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Our New Partner, Every Home for Christ

As recently announced, Doulos now has an additional partner, Every Home for Christ.  We look forward to working in the field with Tanner Peake, Riaan Heyns, and all our brothers and sisters at Every Home for Christ.  Each year from 2015 through 2019, the group made over 100 million in-person visits to homes around the world with gospel presentations. Matthew 9:37-38.

Requests from our Partners Sharing the Gospel with the Deaf

  • For unity among Christian deaf leaders and ministries around the world and for the newly formed Deaf Ministry Coalition. John 17: 20—23.
  • For the deaf everywhere to have access to sign language and education and to the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Romans 10: 14—17.

“When Jesus saw the multitudes, He was filled with compassion. . . ”

Here’s a link to an introductory video about another of our partners, The Timothy Initiative, which started with a reaction similar to our Lord’s, as quoted above from Matthew 9:36.

Pray for the Mhong People in Thailand

A team is providing disciple-making training in a Thai village populated by the Mhong people.  Pray for both the trainers and the new disciple-makers and for all those who will hear the gospel as a result and will learn what the Lord has done for them.  Revelation 5: 9.

Pray for the Nuba Mountain Residents in South Sudan

Our brother, Rawlings, has traveled from Kenya to Uganda to plan and pray with other believers and organizations trying to reach the people living in South Sudan’s Nuba Mountain region, where roads are very rare and the villages are not easily accessible.  Acts 1: 8.

Arrested Believers in South Asia

In a security-sensitive area of South Asia, our sister, “Y,” her son, “L,” and her brother, “A,” recently were arrested and sent to interrogation.  Each faces the possibility of imprisonment or even execution for following and obeying Christ.  The most recent update indicated that Y is now under guard in home detention, while her son has been transferred from the interrogation center to an unknown location.  The authorities have confiscated Y’s phone, which contains considerable information about the Christian network in the area.  We have no further information about A.  Pray that the Lord would cause the jailers to release all three prisoners, and pray that He will protect all those believers who might be implicated by the information in any confiscated phones.  Pray also that the interrogators themselves, as well as their families, would come to know Christ.  Acts 16: 22—34.

Praise and Prayer from The Timothy Initiative

Our partners at The Timothy Initiative (TTI) are praising the Lord for the very fruitful labor so far during 2021.  Over 109,000 people have professed faith in Christ, and 17,000 churches have been planted.  Let’s rejoice along with the angels over these new believers.  TTI also asks that we keep crying out to the Lord for Him to throw open the gates of heaven and continue to rain down His blessings.  Luke 10: 20.

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