Sharing the Love of Jesus in the Dominican Republic & Honduras

August 24, 2022
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As with all of our trips to the field, our team had a chance to see God’s activity around the world. God’s Kingdom is coming every day all over the world, and as believers, we just have to be aware to see His work around us. We were able to experience God’s work among His people in the Dominican Republic and Honduras with our partner, Every Home for Christ.

Through the Love Your Neighbor Mobilization Project in Latin America (25 countries included), the Doulos team met with the local pastors who were training, equipping, and mobilizing their congregations to live out the gospel through outreach. Each Love Your Neighbor kit included a leader’s guide with sermon outlines, 25 individual believer outreach packs with a 26-week devotional, and 1,950 gospel materials to help believers share the love of Jesus with their neighbors. These materials were developed by indigenous pastors and leaders in Latin America in partnership with Every Home for Christ.

In the Dominican Republic, we were able to participate in a training of pastors who received their Love Your Neighbor kits for the very first time. The room was packed with pastors from all over the country, some who woke up around 2AM to travel to be a part of the training.

We heard testimonies of how God was at work in His church in every area of the Dominican Republic. Later, we attended an outreach event of a local church that mobilized believers to take the gospel to every home in the surrounding neighborhoods. It was especially encouraging to see a group of children and teenagers who came to share the good news of Jesus with other kids in the neighborhood.

Dominican Republic
Local Pastors

In Honduras, we were able to attend another training of local pastors. Our team brought a special message to pastors in the morning then we handed out more mobilization kits to help equip their local churches. Each pastor had 25 names of people in their congregation who were ready to receive the material so they could go out and share the love of Jesus.

In the evening, we had a special prayer training and service before a weekend-long outreach event in El Progreso, Honduras. As we believe that the “heavy lifting happens in the heavens,” we ask you to be praying for the believers in Latin America who will be taking the gospel to every home through the Love Your Neighbor initiative.

In each country, we heard from the leaders that they have more pastors ready to receive the kits. Every Home for Christ has a goal to equip 7 million believers in the next seven years throughout Latin America through this exciting, gospel-centered initiative.

If you want to be a part of what God is doing in Latin America or in other areas around the globe, please reach out to us so that we can share with you ways you can be involved!
Until All Have Heard!

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