April 2021 Prayer Gram

April 1, 2021
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Celebrating and Remembering Easter Around the World

As we worship during Easter, let’s also pray for fellow believers and outreach efforts in many isolated and hostile locations around the world. Pray also for all those who will hear about the cross and resurrection of our Lord for the first time. Matthew 24:14.

Sharing God’s Love and Help with Outcast Families in India

Among the least of the least are certain rural, Indian families suffering from leprosy. Many are forced to live almost completely quarantined lives. They are denied public transportation, traveling only by walking. The few children allowed any access to schools are isolated and often mistreated by teachers and other students. To these families our partnering teams have taken the Gospel and educational opportunities for their children. Two of the 38 families in one particular leprosy colony have begun following the Lord. Please pray for them and for all the families living in those awful conditions. Pictured nearby is a class of the children receiving in-person instruction. Ephesians 6:18.

April 2021 Prayer Gram

Training for Leaders

Our brother Michel from the DR Congo has been conducting discipleship training in the Western African nations of Togo and Benin. Meanwhile, our brother Kenny from Mauritius has been training leaders from the Eastern African nations of Ethiopia, Djibouti, and Eritrea. During a prayer walking session, the disciples engaged over 70 people in spiritual conversations, leading four to become Christ followers. Please pray that these new leaders and believers will make more and more disciples of Christ. Matthew 28:19-20.

Hungering and Thirsting for Righteousness in Guinea

Our brother Kassim traveled to Guinea in Western Africa to work with another brother, Augustine, to seek out persons of peace. They shared the Gospel with about 50 people, of whom 20 have decided to follow Christ. Praise the Lord and rejoice with those who have come to know Him.  Nearby are pictures of our brothers sharing the Gospel there. Matthew 5:6.

April 2021 Prayer Gram
April 2021 Prayer Gram

Orphan Adoption Initiative in India

We understand that scripture calls the local church to take the lead in caring for orphans and widows. Biglife, one of our ministry partners, is empowering leaders and churches to do just that. Biglife has launched a new effort to help “empower families worldwide to reach, disciple, and adopt one (or more) of their own, for Jesus Christ.” The plan is to help indigenous Christian families, first in India and particularly in Kolkata (formerly known as Calcutta) and then elsewhere, to adopt many of the millions of orphans facing bleak futures otherwise. You can learn more about the adoption initiative at this link: https://vimeo.com/513904080/48062b1b0c (The orphan adoption project discussion begins at 35:35 and ends at 40:16 in that video) James 1:27.

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