January 2022 Prayer Gram

January 3, 2022
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What really happens when churches are planted?

To catch a glimpse of what happens when the gospel is preached, disciples are made, and churches are planted, see the video at the link below.  Luke 7: 21—23.

Prayer Requests from our Newest Partner

Every Home for Christ has shared prayer requests for a new Burundian believer named Gabriel and for a Kenyan Pastor named Ali.  Gabriel has decided to seek forgiveness from the Lord and to join other believers in Burundi.  Our brother Ali has been serving in a local church in Kenya and also organizing training and outreach efforts there.  Recently he has received telephone calls threatening violence against his family and himself.  His family has moved to a safe house, and his relatives are planning to relocate.   Pray for these brothers, their families and churches to continue sharing the gospel and serving as great examples for all of us.  Philippians 1: 29.  

For more prayer requests from field workers with Every Home for Christ, click the link below.


Prayer Requests from Evangelists to the Deaf

Our partners sharing the gospel with the deaf have asked for prayers for their Distribution staff working to get translated scripture into places that deaf people can access.  They also have asked for prayer for their Translation Resource Development team working to fine-tune their product based on feedback recently received from fellow laborers in Kenya.  Romans 10: 8.

10:02 Prayer

New Generations, one of our partners, is asking for volunteers to set their watch or phone alarms to prompt them to pray every day at 10:02 as a way of obeying Jesus’ command in Luke 10:2 to “ask the Lord of the Harvest to send out workers into His harvest field.”  Our partner suggests focusing these prayers on a specific geographic area, perhaps even your own neighborhood or workplace.  And if the time of 10:02 isn’t convenient on any particular day, try 9:38, as that chapter and verse are the same command as recorded in Matthew’s gospel.

Praying and Fasting For Believers in North Korea

Our partner, Biglife, is earnestly seeking a “person of peace” in North Korea in order to provide disciple-making movement training there.  The country is one of the most closed and isolated places in the world.  Besides severe political and religious repression, economic conditions have been terrible for many years.  There are estimates that millions of North Koreans have died of starvation.  Pray for the many lost and hopeless people there and for the brothers and sisters actively engaged in trying to share the gospel and hope with them.   Galatians 2: 10.

Outreach Efforts to Afghans at Military Bases Inside the US

Following the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan and the Taliban takeover there, many Afghans are temporarily at U.S. military bases, including Fort McCoy in Wisconsin and Camp Atterbury in Indiana.  Pray for those Afghans now with an opportunity to hear the gospel without fearing retaliation.  Pray especially for three Afghans, Madhi, Feroz, and Usman, who have expressed genuine interest in learning more.  Deuteronomy 10: 18—19.

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