July 2023 Prayer Gram

July 1, 2023
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First Tuesday Prayer Gathering – Streamed LIVE on August 1

Due to the first Tuesday in July falling on July 4, our next First Tuesday Prayer Gathering will be on August 1 at 7:00-7:30am CDT.  We’ll be streaming the prayer gathering LIVE, and we would LOVE for you to join us as we seek God together!

You can join from anywhere! Just click the Zoom link below to join us to pray.


Ephesians 6:18

prayer gram

Kenya Mission Trip – July 21-30

We greatly value your prayers, and we invite you to partner with our team traveling to Kenya in late July by praying for their preparation, safety, and fruitful labor. We also ask that you pray for those who will hear the Gospel on this trip—that God would prepare their hearts with good soil to receive His truth and love.

Philippians 1:3-5

Sharing the Gospel with Deaf

Join us in interceding for these prayer requests for those taking the Gospel to the deaf:

  • All the teams in the “10/40 Window” as the obstacles to people getting access to the Gospel are even more challenging for deaf people living there.  
  • The Burundi team rejoicing over lives that are being transformed by the Gospel.
  • The Kenyan team serving in Angola as they seek to build relationships and understand the local culture.
  • The Tanzanian teams working in areas under the strong influence of other religions.

Ephesians 6:12

Thank you for faithfully praying for what God is doing through Doulos Partners. Your involvement and support is making an incredible difference!

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