Meet the Doulos Partners Team: Jason Miglin

July 6, 2021
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At Doulos Partners, we have a diverse team of talented individuals. Each team member uses the talents and expertise God has given them to help us carry out our mission of spreading the Gospel. The Lord has blessed everyone with unique gifts, and our team is a testament to this truth.

Today, we’d like to introduce you to the newest member of our team, our Director of Strategic Partnerships, Jason Miglin.

Meet Jason

Jason Miglin is currently a member and deacon at Long Hollow Baptist Church. He met his wife, Lauren, at the University of Tennessee, and they married in July 2010 while both were students at UT. Jason, Lauren, and their five boys—Hayes, Lincoln, Walker, Ford, and Jack—currently reside in Hendersonville, TN.

Jason holds an MBA from Indiana University in Management and a Bachelor of Science in Supply Chain Management from the University of Tennessee.

In fall 2006, Jason was invited to an LH Student Crusade. He had walked an aisle and prayed a prayer multiple times before, without truly coming to a saving knowledge of Christ. But this time was different. The last night there—even after the invitation had been given—there was one more call to believe in Christ.

In His grace and mercy, Jason trusted in Christ alone for his salvation. After this experience, there was a change in his soul that caused him to desire to know God and make Him known. Jason realized that his salvation was not of his own accord or doing, but the Lord’s.

Professionally, all work is God’s work, and Jason will continue to work at JLL where he leads the Sourcing & Procurement teams on multiple client accounts—while also joining Doulos Partners as the Director of Strategic Partnerships. At JLL, Jason oversees the client delivery over those accounts, providing expertise to maximize $200M third-party spend. He also leverages market capabilities to bring quality solutions and cost savings that align with business objectives.

Jason and Doulos Partners

Jason and Lauren have been friends with Josh and Courtney Clarke since their early married years. Going through life together from a distance, Jason and Lauren prayed for Josh as he moved and transitioned to Doulos, and that’s when they started learning more about the ministry.

Over the last 10 years, Jason has faithfully walked through a discernment process with the Lord over a call into church planting. Throughout this time, God continued to impress upon him the calling he had on his life—while also continuing to grow him in his career in procurement. After hearing the Doulos story and partnering with Doulos over the last few years, God began to reveal to the Miglins that Jason’s call and gifts have prepared him to join the Doulos team!

As Director of Strategic Partnerships, Jason serves a dual role, overseeing all aspects of field reporting and analytics as well as development initiatives in the Middle Tennessee area.

Jason is most looking forward to helping with the Kingdom work, the Kingdom team, and the Kingdom partners.

Using Your Talents and Treasure For the Lord

Every one of our team members understands the gravity of the Lord’s call in the Great Commission and actively seeks to use their skills and abilities to help make disciples of all nations.
While not all of us are called to use our professional skills like Jason, there are still plenty of ways each of us can contribute to the furthering of the Gospel message. We can still give of our time, talents, and treasure by whatever means the Lord is calling us to. If you are interested in partnering with Doulos to supporting indigenous leaders, contact us today!

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