October 2022 Prayer Gram

October 11, 2022
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Our Next “First Tuesday” Prayer Gathering in Birmingham is November 1.

For those in the Birmingham area on November 1, please join us at 7:00—7:30 A.M. to pray for our
sisters and brothers sharing the gospel and planting churches in remote and sometimes dangerous
locations, and to pray for unreached people and new believers in those places. We will meet and pray at
our office at Myrick Gurosky & Associates in the Vestavia Hills City Center, located at 700 Montgomery
Highway (U.S. 31), Suite 100. 1 Thessalonians 5: 17.

Evangelists to the Deaf

DOOR International, our partner taking the gospel to the deaf everywhere, asks for prayers for:
Our brother Josh Cadd working with two teams to ensure accurate scripture translations;
Our brother Rob Wright traveling to train churches wanting to start deaf believers’ fellowships; and
A partner organization, Deaf Missions, producing a Jesus Film pilot in Tanzania. John 17: 20.

New Sister in India

prayer in India

Our sister Gillian reports that we have another new sister, Asenia, who recently became a baptized
Christ follower. Asenia comes from a Hindu background. Her family reportedly is persecuting her for
her faith in Christ, but she is persevering in sharing the gospel with her friends and neighbors.
Colossians 4: 2—4.

Sharing the Love of Christ in India During the Pandemic

Here’s another remarkable story from India from one of our partners:

“Chiranjeevi is a New Generations DMM (Disciple Making Movements) Coordinator who oversees 10
DMM Catalysts in Telangana, and 23 DMM Catalysts in Andhra Pradesh.  The work in this very difficult
area is among both the High Caste and the Backward Caste. Chiranjeevi is a sweet-spirited, soft-spoken
man but possesses the heart of a lion for the cause of the kingdom!

“When COVID-19 began to ravage India, the government responded with extreme lockdowns, including
a restriction on any form of travel beyond two kilometers from residences. For the majority of the
people, the risk of starving under this restriction was greater than the risk of dying from COVID-19.
Faced with this impossible situation, toward the end of 2020, Chiranjeevi did what he thought Jesus
would do and began to risk delivering food to those in need up to four kilometers from his house. He
made many successful trips but eventually, he was arrested for being outside the restricted limits. He
was released fairly quickly, but, tragically, the police confiscated his car (the main tool of his ministry)
along with the food he was delivering and the money to buy more.

“Disappointed, but not deterred, Chiranjeevi continued to deliver food to the needy and encouraged
others on his team to do the same. One of his teammates responded to the challenge by purchasing,
cooking, and distributing large pots of rice and dal in front of his house every day to anyone in need.
During the COVID-19 crisis, Chiranjeevi and his team helped provide life-saving support to over 2,000

“God honored their service and sacrifice with Kingdom advance! At the end of 2020, there were 301
churches among their 27 pioneer engagements. Despite all of the COVID-19 restrictions, by the end of
2021, there were 643 new churches (+342) and in the first half of 2022, the number has grown to 775
(+132) with one new verified Disciple Making Movement (minimum 100 new churches with 4
generations) out of these 27 engagements. To God be the glory!”

Ephesians 1: 18—19.

For more information please contact us today.

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